Joyce and Biographical Criticism - James Joyce Foundation
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Joyce and Biographical Criticism

Beja, Morris. “Epiphany and the Epiphanies.” A Companion to Joyce Studies. Ed. Zack Bowen and James F. Carens. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1984. 707-725.

—. James Joyce: A Literary Life. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1992.

Brivic, Sheldon. “The Disjunctive Structure of Joyce’s Portrait.” James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Ed. R. B. Kershner. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 1993. 251-67.

Brooks, Cleanth. “Joyce’s Ulysses: Symbolic Poem, Biography, or Novel?” Imagined Worlds: Essays on Some English Novels and Novelists in Honour of John Butt. Ed. Maynard Mack London: Methuen, 1968.

Brown, Homer O. “The Early Fiction of James Joyce: The Biography of a Form.” Dissertation Abstracts, Ann Arbor, MI 27 (1966): 1813a-1814a.

—. James Joyce’s Early Fiction: The Biography of a Form. Cleveland: The Press of Case Western Reserve U, 1973.

Cahalan, James M. “‘The Guilty Forgiving the Innocent’: Stanislaus, Shaun, and Shem in FinnegansWake.” Notes on Modern Irish Literature 6 (1994): 5-11.

Cunard, Nancy, and Decherd Turner. “On James Joyce – for Professor Ellmann.” Library Chronicle of the University of Texas. 20-21 (1982): 82-89.

Deane, Seamus. “Joyce and Nationalism.” James Joyce: New Perspectives. Ed. Colin MacCabe. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1982. 168-183.

Edwards, Paul. “‘Clodoveo‘ and ‘Belcanto‘: Wyndham Lewis and James Joyce.” Blast 3. Ed. Seamus Cooney, et al. Santa Barbara, CA: Black Sparrow, 1984. 126-133.

Ellmann, Richard. Yeats and Joyce. Dublin: Dolmen Press, 1967.

—. Eminent Domain: Yeats Among Wilde, Joyce, Pound, Eliot and Auden. London and New York: Oxford UP, 1970.

—. Selected Letters of James Joyce. New York: Viking, 1975.

—. The Consciousness of Joyce. Toronto: Oxford UP, 1977.

—. James Joyce. 2nd Ed. 1959. New York: Oxford UP, 1982.

—. “Joyce at 100.” The New York Review of Books. 29.18 (1982): 58-65.

—. “Two Perspectives on James Joyce: I. His Religion and Politics; II. His Women.” Papers on Language and Literature: Presented to Alvar Ellegard and Erik Frykman. Ed. Sven Backman and Goran Kjellmer. Goteborg: ACTA Univ. Gothoburgensis, 1985. 128-137.

—. “James Joyce in and out of Art.” James Joyce: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Mary T. Reynolds. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993. 17-26.

Epstein, Edmund L. “James Augustine Aloysius Joyce.” A Companion to Joyce Studies. Ed. Zack Bowen and James F. Carens. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1984. 3-37.

Ferris, Kathleen Richard. “James Joyce, Wandering Jew.” Dissertation Abstracts International. 50.7 (1990): 2048A Part A.

Frank, Katherine. “Writing Lives: Theory and Practice in Literary Biography.” Genre 13.4 (1980): 499-516.

Friedman, Melvin J. “Richard Ellman’s James Joyce and Deirdre Bair’s Samuel Beckett: A Biography: The Triumphs and Trials of Literary Biography.” RE: Joyce ‘n Beckett. Ed. Phyllis Carey and Ed Jewinski. New York: Fordham UP, 1992. 1-19.

Hart, Clive. “Finnegans Wake in Adjusted Perspective.” Critical Essays on James Joyce’s FinnegansWake. Ed. Patrick A. McCarthy. New York: G. K. Hall, 1992.

Hayman, David. “Shadow of His Mind: The Papers of Lucia Joyce; Papers Presented at 8th International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland.” James Joyce: The Centennial Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja, et al. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1986. 193-206.

Henke, Suzette. “Stephen Dedalus and Women: A Feminist Reading of Portrait.” James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Ed. R. B. Kershner. Boston: Bedford; St. Martin’s, 1993. 307-25.

Herr, Cheryl. “Deconstructing Dedalus.” James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Ed. R. B. Kershner. Boston: Bedford; St. Martin’s, 1993. 338-60.

Herr, Cheryl. “Quoting with an Accent: Bloomsday in Rome.” Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 25.1 (1983): 34-46.

Holland, Norman N. “A Portrait as Rebellion.” James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Ed. R. B. Kershner. Boston: Bedford; St. Martin’s, 1993. 279-94.

Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Ed. Chester B. Anderson and R. B. Kershner. Boston: Bedford; St. Martin’s, 1993. 19-218.

Joyce, Roger. “Samuel Griffith, the Biographer and the Matter of Sources.” Biographers at Work. Ed. James Walter and Raija Nugent. Nathan, Queensland.: Griffith U, 1984. 17-25.

Kain, Richard M. “Dublin 1904.” Assessing the 1984 Ulysses. Ed. George Sandulescu Constantin. Totowa, NJ: Barnes, 1986. 92-110.

Keane, Patrick J. “Time’s Ruins and the Mansions of Eternity: or, Golgonooza and Jerusalem, Yes; Bloomusalem and Beulah, No; Ithaca, Yes and No: Another Joyce-Blake Parallel at the End of Bloomsday.” Bulletin of Research in the Humanities 86.1 (1983): 33-66.

Kearney, Colbert. “The Joycead.” Coping with Joyce: Essays from the Copenhagen Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja and Shari Benstock. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1989. 55-72.

Kelly, Joseph Patrick. “Joyce’s Reputation and the Reception History of ‘Dubliners‘.” Dissertation Abstracts International 53.11 (1993): 3903A.

Kenner, Hugh. “Berlitz Days.” Renascence: Essays on Value in Literature 35.2 (1983): 69-83.

Kershner, R. B. “A Critical History of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Ed. R. B. Kershner. Boston: Bedford; St. Martin’s, 1993. 221-34.

—. “Genius, Degeneration, and the Panopticon.” James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Ed. R. B. Kershner. Boston: Bedford; St. Martin’s, 1993. 373-90.

Kidd, John. “Joyce and Freud: ‘Only Namesakes’.” James Joyce Quarterly 22.1 (1984): 81-83.

Killeen, Terence. “Versions of Exile: A Reading of The Leavetaking.” Canadian Journal of Irish Studies 17.1 (1991): 69-79.

Kimball, Jean. “Autobiography as Epic: Freud’s Three-Time Scheme in Ulysses.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 31.4 (1989): 475-96.

Kimball, Jean. “‘Lui, c’est moi‘: The Brother Relationship in ‘Ulysses’.” James Joyce Quarterly 25.2 (1988): 227-235.

Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen. “‘The Biography of the Century’: Another Look at Richard Ellmann’s James Joyce.” Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 16.1 (1993): 31-45.

Lyons, J. B. “‘Thrust Syphilis Down to Hell’; Papers Presented at 8th Internat. James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland.” James Joyce: The Centennial Symposium. Ed. Morris Beja, et al. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1986. 173-183.

Lyons, J. B. “The Drinking Days of Joyce and Lowry.” The Malcolm Lowry Review 31-32 (1992): 112-21.

Mahaffey, Vicki. “Giacomo Joyce.” A Companion to Joyce Studies. Ed. Zack Bowen and James F. Carens. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1984. 387-420.

Manganiello, Dominic. “Reading the Book of Himself: the Confessional Imagination of St. Augustine and Joyce.” Biography & Autobiography: Essays on Irish and Canadian History and Literature. Ed. James Noonan. Ottawa: Carleton UP, 1993. 149-62.

Nadel, Ira B. “The Incomplete Joyce.” Joyce Studies Annual 2 (1991): 86-100.

Nichols, Ashton. “JOYCEZSEASIDEGIRLS: Gretta, Bertha, Molly and Nora . . .All from Gibralway?” Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 8.4 (1985): 336-352.

O’Halpin, Eunan. “British Patronage and an Irish Writer: The Award of a Government Grant to James Joyce in 1916.” James Joyce Quarterly 24.1 (1986): 79-83.

Rader, Ralph W. “Defoe, Richardson, Joyce, and the Concept of Form in the Novel.” Autobiography, Biography, and the Novel: Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, May 13, 1972. Ed. William  Matthews and Ralph W. Rader. Los Angeles: U of California, 1973.

Reynolds, Mary T. “Joyce and His Brothers: The Process of Fictional Transformation.” James Joyce Quarterly 25.2 (1988): 217-225.

—. “Torn by Conflicting Doubts: Joyce and Renan.” Renascence: Essays on Value in Literature 35.2 (1983): 96-118.

—. “Joyce as a Letter Writer.” A Companion to Joyce Studies. Ed. Zack Bowen and James F. Clarens. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1984. 39-70.

Schwarz, Daniel R. “‘Tell Us in Plain Words’: An Introduction to Reading Joyce’s Ulysses.” Journal of Narrative Technique 17.1 (1987): 25-38.

Spivey, Ted R. “Flannery O’Connor, James Joyce, and the City.” Studies in the Literary Imagination 20.2 (1987): 87-95.

Staley, Thomas F. “James Joyce and One of His Ghosts: Edouard Dujardin.” Renascence: Essays on Value in Literature 35.2 (1983): 85-95.

Tobin, Patricia. “A Portrait of the Artist as Autobiographer: Joyce’s Stephen Hero.” Genre 6 (1973): 189-203.

Weintraub, Stanley. “A Respectful Distance: James Joyce and His Dublin Townsman Bernard Shaw.” Journal of Modern Literature 13.1 (1986): 61-75.

Wiesenfarth, Joseph. “Fargobawlers: James Joyce and Ford Madox Ford.” Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 14.2 (1991): 95-116.