Scholarships for 2024 Symposium - James Joyce Foundation
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Scholarships for 2024 Symposium

The International James Joyce Foundation is sponsoring up to fifteen scholarships for graduate students and early career researchers to attend Across the Waters: The XXIXth International James Joyce Symposium. Scholarships can be used to cover early bird registration and travel and accommodation costs (the value of recipients’ awards will be determined by the scholarship committee up to a maximum of €1,000).

Applicants should submit a copy of their paper abstract, a brief cv, and an indication of likely costs as email attachments and should also arrange for a letter of recommendation to be sent separately with the applicant’s name listed clearly in the subject line.  Applicants should indicate in the subject line that they are applying for the scholarship. Applicants submitting abstracts as part of a panel proposal should send a separate email to the academic committee with all the requested materials attached. To ensure that a wide range of graduate students and early career researchers benefit from the scholarship programme, previous recipients of the award are ineligible to apply.

 Scholarship applications should be submitted to the academic committee at before the deadline listed on the Call for Papers.